ALPHA SCHOOL - St.Paul´s Bay
Teacher´s Courses - různé možnosti Více informací
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Umístění a vybavení
St. Paul’s Bay mají rádi studenti, kteří dávají přednost klidnějším místům. St. Paul’s Bay leží na severu Malty, v zelenější části ostrova a v blízkosti písečných pláží. Nejblíže je pláž Mellieha, 10 minut autobusem. Nedaleko St. Paul‘s Bay je přístav trajektů na ostrov Gozo.
Malta je ideální místo ke studiu angličtiny v „prázdninové atmosféře“. Křišťálově čisté moře, středomořské klima, úžasné kavárny na pláži, fascinující historie, velká bezpečnost ostrova a kvalitní školy, to jsou hlavní důvody, které Čechy lákají na Maltu. Připojte se ke studentům z celého světa a užijte si prázdniny, kdykoliv budete chtít.
- Experience – established for 27 years, we were one of the first English language schools in Malta!
- Innovative – we incorporate the latest technology with creative teaching methodology to give your students a learner-centred, effective classroom experience
- Academic excellence - Students rate our teaching over everything else!
- Smart classrooms: interactive whiteboards, smart TVs, individual USB charging points, WiFi throughout school
- Fully licenced and accredited – our accreditations include FELTOM, ELT Council, Bildungsurlaub & the European Parliament
- Native English speakers - Over 90% of our regular teaching staff are from the UK, Ireland, Australia, & South Africa
- Individualised service - all students get almost 1-to-1 attention from teachers and staff!
- International – we teach students from over 40 different countries every year
- Family friendly - we take children of ALL AGES, all year round!
- Customised service - all School Groups get a tailor-made, pocket-sized itinerary
- Extensive range of activities - over 120 specifically chosen activities (sports, adventure, culture, leisure, eco)
- and...we are so sure your students will be satisfied with their English course that we offer a student satisfaction guarantee!
Kurzy a ceny
Délka pobytu: jedno-dvoutýdenní kurzy, pobyt od soboty/neděle do soboty neděle, nebo dle návaznosti dopravy
Komu je kurz určen: pro pracovníky ve školství, včetně vedoucích pracovníků, pro učitele anglického jazyka na základních i středních školách, učitele dospělých / soukromé JŠ.
Program - počet lekcí: různé programy a zaměření / detailní programy a termíny rádi zašleme. Max. počet ve skupině 12.
Ubytování: hostitelsé rodiny, apartmány bez jídla, hotel apod. / různé možnosti ZDE
- 20 classrooms over 4 floors.
- 2 play centre rooms dedicated for children aged 2-8 years so we are family friendly!
- 4 separate washroom / toilets refurbished in 2018
- Information TV's in the school reception.
- Interactive whiteboards in 8 classes. Modern smart TV's in 4 classrooms.
- A small team of dedicated staff making your stay a personal one. We are here to help.
- FREE WiFi throughout the school (currently being upgraded to dedicated access point in every room.)
- Outdoor roof top terrace for outdoor classes and relaxing break times with tuck shop for refreshments.
- Professional classrooms include water/coffee/tea making facilities.
- Dedicated excursions staff to help you plan your extra curricular activities. Prices are cheaper with our discounts!
NEW 2024 - 3 nové kurzy - ke stažení níže / termíny a ceny na ověření
Podcasting Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Audio Storytelling
Business English in Action: Advanced Skills for the Digital Age
Recharge and Renew: Holistic Wellbeing Techniques for the Modern Professional
Training for English Language Teaching ZDE
New 2024 Podcasting Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Audio Storytelling 5-day
Lessons in Leadership – Effective Management & Coaching Skills
Cretaive methodology 5 -day / 10-day
Teaching English to very young learners (pre-school/early primary) 5-day / 10 day
- Creative use of Technology in the classroom 5-day / 10-day
Go IWB! - Interactive Teaching and Learning on the Interactive White Board 5-day
CLIL 5-days
English Language development for teachers & school staff 10-day
Public speaking, communication & presentation skills for professionals 5-day / 10-day
Effective Classroom Management for Teachers 5-day / 10-day
Training for Teachers of other subjects ZDE
New 2024 Podcasting Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Audio Storytelling 5-day
Outdoor Education 5-day
Creative use of Technology in the classroom 5-day / 10-day
Go IWB! - Interactive Teaching and Learning on the Interactive White Board 5-day
- CLIL 5-days
- How to maximise learning on field trips 5-day/10-days
English Language development for teachers - Subject Specific 5-day / 10 -day
- Public speaking, communication & presentation skills for professionals 5-day /10-day
- English Language development for teachers and school staff 10-day
- Effective Classroom Management for Teachers 5-day / 10-day
Pre-Primary and Kids Club ZDE
Playschool for young children AGES 2-7
Kids Club AGES 5-8
Training for School Staff & Educators ZDE
New 2024 Podcasting Essentials: A Hands-On Approach to Audio Storytelling 5-day
Go IWB! - Interactive Teaching and Learning on the Interactive White Board 5-day
How to maximise learning on field trips 5-day
English Language development for teachers & school staff 10-day
A guide to conducting classroom observations 5-day
Survival Skills for Admin Staff 5-day
Public speaking, communication & presentation skills for professionals 5-day / 10-day
Participants of this work-based course basically act as a shadow to a number of key workers across a few organisations, learning the daily practices of the company as well as improving their English skills in real-life situations along the way.
Termíny 2024/ 1-2 týdenní programy: různé možnosti - viz info výše
Výuka probíhá od pondělí do pátku, výuka neprobíhá v době státních svátků: 1 Jan, 19 Feb, 29 Mar, 1 May, 7 Jun, 15 Aug, 13 Dec, 25 Dec
Ubytování je zajištěno od neděle pře začátkem kurzu do soboty po skončení kurzu.
Minimální počet účastníků kurzu je 6. V případě, že nebude naplněn kurz, bude zahraniční školou nabídnuta alternativní nabídka - většinou redukce lekcí (vždy záleží na zahraniční škole a jejich managementu ).Více informací na stránkách školy:
CENA 2024 | 1 týden / 2 týdny |
Registration fee (Includes resources ) | 100 EUR |
kurzovné |
400 EUR / 800 EUR |
Cultural excursion programme (Optional) |
125 EUR |
- Přijímáme bezhotovostní platby v EUR na náš EUR účet ve FIO bance - držíme cenu (cena nepodléhá kurzovému pohybu)
- Info pro Erasmus+ / Kurz pro přepočet z Kč na EUR (při vyúčtování – závěrečné zprávě) Vám určuje NAEP/DZS ( nadace ).
- Kurz pro přepočet na Kč je aktuální v den nabídky ZDE / devizy prodej včetně kurzového rizika/.
V ceně
Kurz dle výběru, 1-2 týdenní program, vstupní dotazník, registrační poplatky, základní učební materiály, informační balíček na cestu, služby agentury ALBION.
Welcome pack containing local maps and important information, Alpha ID card, Pre-course placement test & Needs Analysis, Weekly assessment., Academic counselling with the school Director of Studies, Alpha School / CEFR final certificate, Free high speed WiFi access in school, Use of Alpha executive area, Tea and coffee, Mobile phone sim card (on request), Free use of Roof garden leisure area, Free lending library of books & CD media, 24/7 emergency helpline, Personalised attention from our super friendly staff and support for your excursion and activity planning, One offsite training day per week (including entrance ticket to one attraction - Malta National Aquarium or the Malta Experience or Malta 5D or the Domus Romana or St. Paul’s Catacombs).
Doplňkové služby - možno zajistit
- Doprava do zahraničí - letenka
- Pojištění na cesty a pobyt do zahraničí, včetně připojištění na storno pobytu - UNIQA, IPA AXA, Generali ČP
- školní transfer z letiště do ubytování a zpět / 40 EUR / jedna cesta
Ubytování a ceny
sobota/neděle - sobota/neděle
Hostitelská rodina
jednolůžkový pokoj, snídaně, polopenze, plná penze, za příplatek 70 EUR/týden klimatizace, vlastní soc. zařízení za příplatek 70 EU/týden, speciální diety za příplatek
Další možnosti: apartmány bez jídla, hotel apod. / různé možnosti ZDE
Celoroční nabídka.
Sezona A: 1.1.-31.05.2024
Sezona B: 01.06.-15.06.2024
Sezona C: 16.06.-31.08.2024
CENA 2024 | 1 týden/7 nocí A | 1 týden/7 nocí B | 1 týden/7 Nocí C |
Hostitelská rodina, polopenze, jednolůžkový pokoj | na ověření | 378 EUR | 318 EUR |
Výše uvedená cena nezahrnuje tzv. rekreační poplatek, který je od 1.6.2016 povinný a bude vám doúčtován.
As from 1 June 2016, the Maltese Government is introducing an Environmental Contribution on stays at all types of accommodation.All revenue generated from this initiative will be used to upgrade and embellish the local infrastructure in touristic areas around the Maltese Islands.
If the student is 18 years or older on the day of arrival, and starting his/her stay on 1st June 2016 or after, he/she will be required to pay an Environmental Contribution amounting to €0.50c per night up to a maximum of €5 for each continuous stay on the Maltese Islands, including twin-centre holidays in Malta and Gozo.
This applies to local and foreign guests staying at any type of accommodation including hotels, guesthouses, farmhouses, villas, hostels, self-catering apartments, B&B, host families etc.
The contribution is not included in the room rate and will be charged separately. This contribution is not subject to VAT, commissions or other charges.
The Managers/Owners of the accommodation property are obliged to collect the contribution and pass it on to the Government. They are also expected to keep a record of the number of guests, their ages and length of stay. This information will enable them to calculate the charge and keep an audit trail. For this reason, the students will be asked to provide personal information such as date of birth and to support this with a document, such as a passport or driver’s licence. All data is collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection laws of Malta.
This Environmental Contribution will be automatically added to all accommodation bookings received from 5 May 2016 for all students arriving from 1 June 2016 onwards age 18 or over on arrival.
Program pro volný čas
Zahraniční škola nabízí každodenní odpolední, popř.večerní program a víkendové aktivity - možno objednat na místě a uhradit v hotovosti na recepci školy.